Consultant ( Coordination of Vaccination and Strengthening of the Health System ), Sao Tome, Sao Tome and Principe At World Health Organization (WHO)

Closing date: Monday, 22 May 2023

Consultant ( Coordination of Vaccination and Strengthening of the Health System )

( 2304310 )

Grade: No grade

Contractual Arrangement: Special Services Agreement ( SSA )

Contract Duration ( Years, Months, Days ): 1 Year

Job Posting: May 10, 2023, 6:44:33 AM

Title position: Coordination of vaccination and strengthening of the health system

Grade: NBO

Major Office: WCO / STP

Duty Station: Sao Tome & Principe

Nature of Position: SSA

Duration of the mission: 12 months ( 01 June 2023 to 01 June 2024 )

First Level Supervisor: HPR / SD

I. Background and Justification

The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded the world of the value of vaccines in the fight against disease to save lives and create a healthier future, safer and more prosperous. Today, there is an urgent need to rapidly and fairly increase immunization coverage against COVID-19 and to act collectively to resume routine immunization activities that have suffered the consequences of the pandemic of COVID-19.

The current supply and supply system for COVID-19 vaccines is temporary and cannot be sustainable in terms of human and financial resources. It is therefore necessary to widen the supply of vaccination service against COVID-19 thanks to the integration of vaccination against COVID-19 in routine vaccination or other established health services for specific population groups.

The integration of COVID-19 vaccination into routine vaccination is not limited to jointly offering ( COVID-19 and routine vaccination ) at the service level. It should also consider components such as planning, budgeting, joint coordination under the Ministry of Health, Human Resources, capacity building, advanced and integrated mobile strategies, community engagement and social communication, cold chain and vaccine management, data management, integrated program monitoring, monitoring MAPIs, etc.

There is an opportunity to capitalize on the investments, innovations and new tools developed in the context of vaccination against COVID-19 for the strengthening of vaccination programs.

Strengthening the Expanded Program on Immunization at central and district levels will help strengthen primary health care services. The implementation of effective vaccination programs for children and adults ( vaccination against COVID-19 ) will play an important role in the establishment in Sao Tome and Principe a resilient and sustainable primary health system, which is one of the pillars of tomorrow’s global health security.

Summary of activities

In collaboration with the coordinator of the Expanded Program on Vaccination, the candidate ( e ) will be responsible for the following functions : AT. Implementation of an effective strategy for integrating COVID-19 vaccination into routine vaccination

  •  Organize a workshop to present WHO recommendations on the development of the COVID-19 vaccination integration plan in primary health services with the contribution of the organizations concerned ( National Committee coordinating the response to COVID-19, a technical working group led by the coordinator of the National Immunization Program, National Regulatory Authority, MAPI committee, surveillance and other relevant groups such as the private sector )
  •  Conduct multisectoral consultations on the integration of the COVID-19 vaccine between government entities and programs ( for example, ENP, MNT ), civil society, donors, development partners, CCM and other higher level organizations.
  •  Conduct a situation analysis to assess the country’s status at the national and sub-national levels for the integration of vaccination against COVID-19 in the ENP and other appropriate services
  •  Organize workshops to identify target groups for vaccination
  •  Organize working sessions in the districts for the development of micro plans for the integration of COVID-19 vaccination into primary health services following WHO guidelines
  •  Consolidate distrital microplans to achieve the overall plan for integrating COVID-19 vaccination into primary health services
  •  Develop the overall plan for integrating COVID-19 vaccination into primary health services
  •  Develop a plan to monitor the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination integration plan in primary health services
  •  Implement the strategy for integrating COVID-19 vaccination into primary health services

B. Development of the national vaccination strategy

  •  Adapt WHO documents for the situation of Sao Tome and Principe
  •  Organize working meetings with stakeholders
  •  Participate in meetings with IST / AFRO
  •  Perform situation analysis
  •  Organize working sessions with government entities and programs ( for example, ENP, SIS, Monitoring ), civil society, donors, development partners, CCM and other higher level organizations.
  •  Organize meetings for activity budgeting
  •  Write the national vaccination strategy
  •  Organize a session for the validation of the national vaccination strategy

C. Strengthening of the ENP planning and coordination capacities

  •  Strengthen coordination with actors involved in immunization activity, including district health representatives by organizing regular meetings
  •  Support the creation of NITAG
  •  Facilitate management training for health representatives and ENP managers to support planning and implementation of effective integration of immunization

i. Facilitate collaboration with the chosen training organization

ii. Define training needs

iii. Participate in management training for executives of the Ministry of Health

D. Training

  •  Organize joint training in routine immunization and COVID-19 vaccination in all districts
  •  Organize working sessions with those responsible for HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, noncommunicable diseases, neglected diseases to reach high-risk populations
  •  Organize training in each district for all health professionals in the country in order to initiate and improve vaccination coverage with COVID 19 in health workers

E. Monitoring and evaluation

  •  Work in collaboration with the ENP data manager and the Health Information System team to ensure good data quality and the preparation of monthly reports to be disseminated to stakeholders
  •  Update vaccination data on the WHO Dashboard
  •  Participate in weekly meetings organized by WHO
  •  Set up telephone teams to call back vulnerable unvaccinated people
  •  Support the implementation of the vaccination coverage study
  •  Support the supervision of vaccination teams

i. Update supervision tools

ii. Develop field reports describing the gaps observed

F. Communication and generation of demand

  •  In collaboration with other partners, support the review and development of information, education and communication materials
  •  Disseminate guidance documents and materials to countries to adapt them.
  •  Support communications monitoring for demand generation, myths and misconceptions and mitigation measures in the region.
  •  Ensure that community leaders and community health workers participate in social communication and community engagement activities
  •  Continue to support NGO activities for community engagement
  •  Supporting improved coordination of the work of civil society

G. Perform any ad hoc tasks that may be entrusted

Qualifications, experience, skills and languages

Diplomas :

Essential :

Master of Public Health or Epidemiology or in another health-related field, obtained from a recognized university or establishment.

– Others :

  •  Excellent knowledge of statistical software, communication software and Microsoft applications ( for example Excel, Word, Power Point, etc. ).
  •  Certificate of participation in the Prevention & Response to Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment course


Essential :

At least 3 ( three ) years of professional experience in the field of public health or epidemiology, preferably in vaccination.

Desirable :

  •  Experience in vaccination or ENP programs or professional experience in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic at national or international level.
  •  Experience in the management of vaccination data or the surveillance of diseases preventable by vaccination.
  •  Experience working within the United Nations system in related fields.


  •  Produce results
  •  Provide credible and effective ( Excellent communication skills ( oral and written ), including report writing and presentation skills. )
  •  Create and promote partnerships throughout the organization and beyond.
  •  Strong organizational capacities
  •  Self-employed work
  •  Capacity for integration and teamwork, including the ability to work in a multicultural environment.
  •  Ensure efficient use of resources
  •  Respect and promote individual and cultural differences

Knowledge and functional skills

  •  Medical experience with public health experience in the prevention and control of COVID-19
  •  Proven knowledge of the principles and practices of the epidemiology of vaccine-preventable diseases.
  •  Proven expertise in the development and evaluation of disease surveillance systems in a public health context
  •  Ability to identify needs and provide appropriate recommendations
  •  Practical knowledge of Microsoft Office ( Office, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook ) and data analysis applications.
  •  Ability to prepare clear and precise documentation and data presentations
  •  Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with various audiences
  •  Ability to work with colleagues and partners and provide support and advice as needed
  •  Ability to work independently and take initiatives
  •  Ability to work and produce results under pressure and meet deadlines

Working languages

Essential :

Specialized knowledge in Portuguese.

Desirable :

Knowledge of English or French.


The / canditat ( e ) will be based in Sao Tome and Principe

Expected duration of the contract

12 months


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