Consultant- Midterm External Evaluation of the Project “Supporting Removal Centres’ Capacities and Fostering Alternatives to Administrative Detention”

Vacancy Notice Number: CON#2022/005

Position Title: Consultant- Midterm External Evaluation of the Project “Supporting Removal Centres’ Capacities and Fostering Alternatives to Administrative Detention”

Classification: Consultancy Contract- International

Duty Station: Home based- with possible travel to Türkiye

Deadline of Applications: 26 September 2022

Eligibility: Internal & External Candidates

Evaluation context

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), the UN Migration Agency, and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the UN Refugee Agency are jointly implementing a 36-month project financed by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) instrument. This 36-month project intends to support institutional and legal reform of migration management in Türkiye.

Over the last years, Türkiye has developed a comprehensive legal and institutional framework, including the adoption of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection (LFIP), the establishment of the Directorate General of Migration Management, and the implementation of secondary legislation providing the basis for effective migration management and international protection system in Türkiye, the latter representing Türkiye’s commitments under international refugee law. As per the LFIP, the now Presidency of Migration Management (PMM) is the designated authority in charge of managing Removal Centres (RCs) where persons under administrative detention are placed for processing and/or return procedures.

The exponential increase in the number of apprehended irregular migrants places a serious burden on the operational capacities of RCs, leading to considerable overcrowding and a range of other challenges relating to effective access to rights and provision of services. There is a need to provide tailored capacity development to RC staff including the managerial staff, operational staff, security, and psychosocial support staff to ensure the proper provision of services that comply with the LFIP and other relevant international and European Union standards, while at the same time protect the staff who work there through occupational health measures. Moreover, the institutionalization of capacity development tools such as developing a pool of trainers; developing standards operating procedures (SOPs) and guidelines are needed to ensure continued and sustainable provision of services on issues concerning the prevention and control of contagious diseases, harm reduction, internal monitoring, complaint mechanisms and response management, asylum and appeal procedures, access to legal assistance and legal aid, identification of and response to vulnerable groups, referral mechanisms, and Alternatives to Detentions (ATDs) are essential to improve the material conditions and procedural safeguards in RCs. Additional internal mechanisms to be set through the activities in this action include strengthened enforcement of the provisions of the LFIP setting out access to asylum procedures from removal centres through the development of SOPs, enhanced access to legal aid and assistance, and increased know-how of the staff and through tools developed.

ATD component of this project will build on the baseline work done under the “Supporting Directorate General of Migration Management to Develop Alternatives to Immigration Detention System in Türkiye” project funded by the Matra Programme of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Under the Matra-funded Project, IOM conducted feasibility and cost analysis, workshops, and legal analysis, and created reports to support the development of LFIP 57/A secondary legislation. In addition, as part of the “Supporting Directorate General for Migration Management’s Efforts in Enhancing the Capacity of Removal Centres within the Framework of International Human Rights Standards Phase I and II” project funded by the UK FCO, targeted trainings on topics such as human rights trainings to security guards, interview techniques trainings, as well as guidelines on communication, treatment of vulnerable persons under administrative detention such as women, children, etc. were conducted and the activities under the current project will complement those that were conducted under the UK FCO project.

The current action aims to support PMM to manage irregular migration better and reinforce the procedural safeguards at the RCs in line with international and EU standards and best practices. The action further aims to strengthen national capacities and knowledge on immigration detention practices and standards and on promoting ATDs, while supporting developments of national policies and practices, especially on ATDs. It is essential that ATDs are available in law and implemented in practice; conditions of immigration detention, where detention is necessary and unavoidable, meet international and EU standards.

The specific results of the project are:

Result 1 – Institutional capacities of removal centres are strengthened; in terms of internal control, complaints handling, access to rights, including legal aid, and provision of services, interagency referral, and harm reduction of persons under administrative detention.

Result 2 – PMM enhances procedural safeguards for persons under administrative detention to access rights and services, including access to asylum procedures for those in need of international protection and access to information in removal centres.

Result 3– PMM develops pathways to viable alternatives to administrative detention.

Evaluation purpose and objective

The general objective is to evaluate the project’s implementation progress and assess how this progress has contributed and/or will contribute to the achievement of project outputs, outcomes, and the overall objective established for the 36-months project. The external midterm evaluation aims to primarily assess effectiveness, efficiency, and progress made towards sustainability and impact (including early signs of results, whether intended or unintended, positive, or negative) and give attention to relevance, coherence, and cross-cutting issues (age, gender, and human rights). The evaluation should identify lessons learned and recommendations to maximize the potential to achieve the desired outcomes for this and similar projects in the future. The midterm evaluation results will be presented and discussed at the steering committee meeting halfway through the project. The evaluation will provide the project management, the donor (EU-IPA), and key partners with an indication of project performance- how well the project is doing, the quality of project implementation, and any bottlenecks in implementation to identify problems on time and in which areas a corrective action may be required. As such, the evaluation will also provide the donor and stakeholders with an opportunity to assess the project’s accountability to targeted recipients.

Evaluation scope

The midterm evaluation will cover the period 01 Feb 2021 – 15 August 2022 (the first 18 months). The project implementation process consists of twelve quarters, and the midterm evaluation will cover the first year and the half of the second year. The evaluation team will use inclusive and participatory approaches to cover relevant stakeholders in all provinces where the project is being implemented.

Evaluation criteria

The midterm project evaluation will be based on the six OECD-DAC criteria: relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability. The focus will be on the effectiveness, efficiency, and progress made towards impact and sustainability of the project activities to inform the assessment of progress to date, inform any needed adjustments, and ensure an exit strategy is developed. The evaluator will also give attention to relevance, coherence, and cross-cutting issues (age, gender, and human rights). and the findings are analyzed with attention to cross-cutting issues.

Evaluation questions

This section gives an overview of guiding questions proposed for each evaluation criteria. During the inception phase, the evaluator could develop and modify the questions in consultation with IOM and UNHCR. The evaluation questions may also be supplemented by additional, detailed, and specific sub- questions as appropriate and needed in consultation with the IOM and UNHCR team during the inception phase of the evaluation.

The following key questions will guide the project evaluation:

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Questions


  • Are the project activities and outputs relevant to the current context and consider relevant policies, guidelines, and beneficiary needs?
  • Is the project in line with and responding to the needs of all target groups/stakeholders of the project, including all genders and ages?
  • Is the project aligning with and supportive of national strategies?


  • To what extent are the activities being implemented as per the work plan of the project?
  • What are the reasons for possible delays in project implementation? How is the project affected by delays caused by external and internal factors, and how has the project responded to and addressed any delays?
  • Is the project effective so far in reaching its planned results?
  • Are the target beneficiaries being reached as expected, also considering all genders and ages? Are the target beneficiaries satisfied with the services provided so far?
  • What are the major internal and external factors influencing the achievement of the project’s expected outcomes?
  • To what extent has the project adapted or can adapt to changing external conditions to ensure project outputs, and outcomes are achieved? What has

worked well, and what has not worked so well?


  • What measures have been taken to ensure that resources are efficiently used?
  • How well are the resources (funds, expertise, and time) being converted into results (to implement the activities and achieve the outputs)?
  • Are a work plan and resource schedule available and used by the project

management and other relevant parties?


  • Are the project activities coordinated with other actors in the sector, i.e., are there other interventions with the same type of activities or with similar objectives implemented by IOM / UNHCR or other actors, and to what extent are they complementary to IOM / UNHCR’s activities?
  • To what extent is the intervention adding value/avoiding duplication in the



  • What significant change(s) is the intervention contributing to or is expected to contribute to, whether positive or negative, intended, or unintended, including effects on the target population and key stakeholders?
  • To what extent is the project contributing to those changes, considering also other contributing factors?


  • How well is the project embedded in institutional structures that are likely to survive beyond the life of the project? Are the government and local institutions well-integrated?
  • What are the major challenges affecting sustainability? How should the project address these challenges to increase sustainability, considering design, implementation, and monitoring?
  • Are the benefits generated likely to continue once external support ceases?

Human Rights and Gender

  • Are steps being taken to facilitate and ensure participation of stakeholders during the implementation of the project? (A rights-based approach)
  • To what extent has the project helped to ensure respect of the relevant human rights of migrants? (Human rights)
  • To what degree has gender and age been successfully mainstreamed in project design and implementation, including a participative and non- discriminatory planning and design process? (Gender)
  • Has particular attention been paid to the role of the project in contributing to the advancement of gender equality? (Gender)
  • For activities involving research reports, manuals, handbooks, or other publications, have gender and age considerations been fully integrated and specific needs, concerns, and implications for men, women, girls, and boys properly incorporated? (Gender)
  • Has gender-balanced and age-balanced participation in the project’s
  • activities been promoted in terms of members of steering committees, trainers, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders? (Age and Gender)

The evaluation consultant should collect findings and draw conclusions on the above key questions. Recommendations should focus on dealing with identified challenges and gaps and improving further project implementation to increase progress and ensure long-term positive impact. The evaluation should identify good practices or drawbacks in the project implementation, capture lessons learned, and provide recommendations for follow-up and additional activities within available project resources and correctional efforts if needed.

Evaluation methodology

The evaluation will include using quantitative and qualitative approaches to gain a deeper understanding of the project’s results (outputs, outcomes, objective) and to ensure the cross-validation of data. The evaluation will also comprise an analysis of various evidence-based sources of information, including desk analysis/review, survey data, focus group discussions, and interviews with beneficiaries and the other stakeholders. The data should be disaggregated by gender, age, nationality, geographic location, and specific needs.

The evaluation will provide quantitative and qualitative data through the following methods:

  • Desk analysis and review of all relevant project documentation, including project proposal, log frame, work plans, project quarterly donor/progress reports, project reports both from IOM and UNHCR, lessons learned reports (per activity and quarterly), weekly updates, monitoring reports, national and international policies, and strategies, etc.
  • Focus group discussions, surveys, and in-depth semi-structured interviews will gather primary data from the involved parties. The content of the questionnaires shall be discussed with IOM Türkiye and UNHCR Türkiye and pre-tested before the actual data collection.

The evaluation consultant will execute the work with the support and oversight of the IOM and UNHCR Türkiye project teams and the MEAL team. A briefing meeting will be held to clarify all sides’ responsibilities, pending questions, and expectations and establish regular communication channels during the midterm evaluation process. The evaluation consultant is expected to suggest, as needed, any other approaches and methods to be used for the evaluation.

Ethics, norms, and standards for evaluation

The evaluation is to be conducted in line with IOM’s and UNHCR’s Data Protection Principles. This evaluation will follow the norms and standards of UNEG and expects all evaluation stakeholders to be familiar with the ethical conduct guidelines of UNEG and the consultant(s) with the UNEG codes of conduct.

Evaluation deliverables

The external evaluator is expected to deliver the following:

  • Inception report

The report should include an evaluation matrix, evaluation methodology, work plan, focus group discussion guides, survey, interview guides, and other data collection instruments for the evaluation. The Evaluation Matrix will demonstrate the evaluation consultant’s understanding of the ToR and outline data collection and analysis plans, to be completed and reviewed by the IOM Türkiye and UNHCR Türkiye team before the data collection phase. IOM and UNHCR can provide templates for an Inception Report and an Evaluation Matrix for reference. The evaluation consultant may use their format but should include all the elements of the IOM and UNHCR templates. The inception report should include all the data collection tools used, the data collection schedule, and all areas of the assignment for which the evaluation consultant requires support from the IOM and UNHCR teams.

  • Presentation of the initial findings
  • The draft evaluation report submitted for comment
  • Final evaluation report
  • Evaluation brief (two-page summary according to the IOM template)
  • Management response partially filled out (IOM will provide the template)
  • The final presentation of the evaluation report (online briefing with a PowerPoint for IOM and UNHCR staff, donor, beneficiary institution, PMM, and other key stakeholders to be identified and agreed upon as per the availability).

All deliverables are to be written in English and meet professional language standards. IOM will retain the right to withhold payment to the evaluation firm if deliverables are deemed not up to reasonably expected standards.

Specifications of roles

The role of the IOM and UNHCR project team, evaluator, and stakeholders are identified below:


  • Carry out the evaluation as per the ToR.
  • Implement the data collection, analysis, and reporting activities of the final evaluation
  • Conduct bilateral meetings with the IOM and UNHCR team
  • Provide regular updates and share challenges with the IOM and UNHCR team and flag any challenges or emerging issues to the project team.
  • Prepare and deliver the inception report, final report, two-page evaluation brief, and the visual presentation of the evaluation of the findings and recommendations.

The Evaluation Manager will be Emine Mermer Karaayak, who will coordinate and liaison closely with the following colleagues and units within IOM and UNHCR in close coordination with the IOM Türkiye MEAL Unit.

MEAL Unit of IOM:

  • Agree on the work plan with the evaluator
  • Provide general information and documents related to the project.
  • Review the inception report and related evaluation reports.
  • Coordinate review of the evaluation deliverables with relevant persons, IOM staff, and other key stakeholders.
  • Review, and ensure input is incorporated and accepted in the final report.

Project teams of IOM and UNHCR:

  • Provide general information and documents related to the project.
  • Review the inception report and related evaluation reports.
  • Support in-person and virtual meeting scheduling and send meeting request correspondence to identified key stakeholders.
  • Support logistical and travel arrangements as required.
  • Coordinate with relevant stakeholders, including government counterparts.

Government stakeholders/beneficiaries

  • Coordinate with IOM and UNHCR for scheduling meetings.
  • Prepare feedback and response for evaluation questions (PMM)
  • Provide feedback and validate evaluation findings and brief.

Time Schedule

The midterm evaluation will take 24 working days, including preparation, data collection, analysis, and reporting (31 days total, including IOM -UNHCR review). The assignment is expected to commence on October 3, 2022, with a final report by November 15 2022.

Based on the ToR, the evaluation consultant and IOM – UNHCR team will have a virtual briefing meeting in the first week of the start of the evaluation process in October 2022. In the second week of the start of the evaluation, the consultant will review all project documents and reports provided by the IOM and UNHCR teams, and the monitoring reports provided by the MEAL team. Based on the ToR, the IOM and UNCHR teams will arrange meetings to ensure a common understanding of the evaluation process, confirm the logistical arrangement and provide inputs on the inception report. The IOM team will support arranging meetings for review and debriefing meetings.

The preparation and implementation of data collection and field visits are planned between 7 and 14 October 2022. A precise timeline will be established with the selected evaluation consultant. The following table gives an overview of the estimated timeline and distribution of responsibilities for a total of 24 working days for the evaluator:

Activity- Responsible party- Number of days- Timing

Kick-off meeting, exchange of relevant project documents. Review documents and preparation of a detailed inception report, including the evaluation matrix and the data collection tools.- Evaluation consultant- 2 days- Week 1

Finalize the inception report and the field visit agenda- Evaluation consultant- 0.5 days-Week 1

Planning and facilitation of the data collection activities, including pre- testing, logistical arrangements, and schedule.- Evaluation consultant, in coordination with the IOM and UNHCR Team- 0.5 days- Week 1

Data collection, including travel time.-Evaluation consultant, in coordination with the IOM and UNHCR Team- 4 days- Week 1 & 2

Preliminary data analysis, preparation of the presentation, and delivery of the presentation to the IOM – UNHCR team- Evaluation consultant- 3 days- Week 2

A draft midterm evaluation report, draft lessons learned report.- Evaluation consultant- 5 days- Week 3

Submission of the Final evaluation and lesson learned report- Evaluation consultant- 5 days- Week 4 & 5

Development and finalization of the evaluation brief, both in English and Turkish Evaluation consultant- 3 days- Week 5

The final evaluation presentation- Evaluation consultant- 1 day- Week 6

Evaluation budget

The external evaluator will cover all expenses for this external evaluation, including travel expenses and accommodation for the evaluation consultant in Türkiye. A detailed work plan will be prepared and agreed on between the evaluator and the IOM and UNHCR team.

Payment Plan

Deliverable- Percentage of the Payment

Submission of the inception report 15%

Submission of the first draft of the reports 30%

Submission of the final reports 55%

Evaluation requirements

IOM Türkiye is seeking an independent, multidisciplinary external evaluation consultant. The consultant may be based in any country but should demonstrate prior experience in conducting similar types of evaluations.

Education and Experience

  • The evaluator should have at least ten years of experience in conducting project evaluations.
  • Sound experience with both quantitative and qualitative research methods and analytical tools.
  • The candidate should have a master’s degree or equivalent in evaluation, law, social sciences, public policy, development studies, or related fields.
  • Demonstrated sound understanding of thematic migration topics, e.g., migration governance, labor migration, trafficking in persons, crisis management, border management, etc.
  • Experience in conducting evaluations on IOM Immigration and Border Management (IBM) projects is an advantage


  • Excellent analytical, oral, and written communication skills in English.
  • Experience with collecting qualitative and quantitative data in difficult circumstances and using inclusive and participatory approaches
  • Ability to create graphic visuals on key findings.
  • Experience in technical and analytical report writing.
  • Experience in working in complex institutional environments.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality, and age sensitivity and adaptability.
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision and to meet deadlines.


Excellent command of English is required.

Duration of the Contract

The overall evaluation process is expected to take 30 working days, including preparation, data collection, analysis, and reporting. The evaluator should be able to undertake the tasks concurrently to fit within the planned timeframe without compromising the quality expected. The assignment is expected to be conducted between October 03, 2022 – November 15, 2022.


The consultant must adhere to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Data Protection Principles (IN/138) and maintain confidentiality.

The consultant will be responsible to follow IOM writing guidelines and latest glossaries in all given assignments for accurate translation.

Any offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.

Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment, accreditation, any residency or visa requirements, and security clearances.

No late applications will be accepted.

How to apply

The evaluator should submit the following application materials:

  • Technical proposal – outlining proposed evaluation methodology, including data collection plans and analysis techniques, quality control measures, and timelines.
  • Financial proposal – all-inclusive budget for the evaluation, including expert fees and all other expenses to be incurred, with a breakdown of costs.
  • CV of the evaluator
  • References – names and contacts of three referees

Evaluators should submit their application via email to [email protected] with the subject line “External Evaluation – Removal Centres’ Capacities and Alternatives to Detention” no later than September 26, 2022.

Any questions regarding the call for application should be sent to: [email protected]

January 2025